To the Individual Who is Curious About My Current Daily Life

Guess what? I haven’t left the country yet!
Contrary to how I had planned my summer, my metaphorical plane has been grounded due to unforeseen circumstances (meanwhile my literal plane remains unknown because I haven’t actually bought any tickets yet). People ask me, at least on a daily basis, “When are you leaving?”

I do not begrudge them this question. I recognize they’re just trying to be nice or make conversation. My answers range from brief to creative, but sometimes I would rather talk about my life… now. Not what I imagine what life will be like when it supposedly gets back “on track” (and let’s be real, that’s never actually going to happen). I mean, eventually I will be on my way, but I fully plan on nothing going according to the plan.
So here, for your enjoyment or my catharsis, is an update about what my life looks like right now.

A day in the life of the adventure

Too early: Wake up. Ignore alarm.

Thirty minutes later: wake up, take two. Success!!! Read e-mails that have arrived overnight. Actually reply to one.

Debate about whether or not to work out. Decide work out will go better during my body’s natural “peak” in the afternoon. Or at least I can delay it a little bit.

Make coffee. Get dressed. Make breakfast. Eat.

Take coffee in ceramic mug and go for a walk around the neighborhood talking to the big man, generally looking like a crazy drifter and garnering strange looks from parents dropping their kids off at the bus stop. This walk is possibly the best part of my day.

Get home. Read amazing wise words. Pretend to work. Check e-mail. Check facebook. Pay a couple bills.

Decide to go to grocery store to buy ginger for chicken ginger soup, even though I went shopping at three different grocery stores yesterday. They were unfortunately out of ginger.

Decide on the way to the first store that I really need something from Starbucks as a reward for all my hard work today and I still have a gift card with money on it so why not, right?

Confuse the barista with my order. Confuse a second barista with my order. Leave Starbucks with exactly what I wanted.

Arrive at grocery store. Pick up chocolate, coffee and celery but realize they do not sell ginger. Remember I need toilet paper. Try to check out, then realize they only take cash or debit and I don’t know my pin code and don’t have enough cash. Buy the food, leave the toilet paper.

Arrive at second grocery store. Buy ginger, onion, and toilet paper. Marvel at the man who went through the self-checkout line and proceeded to make the store associate overseeing the area scan and bag every one of his items. I would say he’s missing the point, but he’s winning at life so hard I won’t mention anything.

Start car. Ignore the smiling guys in the car next to mine and pull out abruptly. While his “How you doin'” is incredibly smooth and Friends-esque, I’m not entirely sure this is not an attempted car-jacking. Maybe I’m just paranoid.

Arrive home. Pull up recipe for soup. Get distracted. Put ingredients together for soup. Decide I need a snack because the soup won’t be ready for like ever (or three hours). Eat hummus and carrots, then hummus and tortilla, then hummus and tortilla chips, then tortilla chips and queso – it’s a slippery snack slope. Of course I’m watching Psych just while I grab my snack, and then I grab my computer and pretend to work while continuing to watch Psych. I delete a few e-mails. Sooo productive.

Decide I need a break (I’m not sure from what) so take a few minutes to eat a Magnum bar and read a book (it’s a book about my work… so that’s working, right?) and then decide I need to play some guitar to get some perspective for my afternoon work tasks.

Make a call for some feedback on a project I want to move forward on. No one picks up.

Send a facebook message pertaining to the same project. No reply.

Check soup. It’s going very well. The house smells delicious.

Realize I really need to get some work done today. Remember important update I was going to draft. Go to computer to write important update.

Realize important update will go better if I first write a blogpost telling the world all of my interior thoughts about my schedule.

Receive reply to my fb message. It does not instantly solve all of my problems. Sigh.
Get to end of blogpost and realize how unproductive the day has been overall. Double sigh.

At least now I feel like I have a really good perspective of what tasks I still need to accomplish today.

And I have some amazing chicken ginger soup waiting for me for dinner.


Thanks for bearing with me! Now that I see it all written out, I realize why people don’t ask about my life right now… just kidding! Not all of my days look like this – in fact, most of them don’t. My schedule has been so irregular this summer I’m rarely doing the same thing for longer than a week at a time. However I think I’m going to try to be a little more on the ball with the rest of today. Off to work!


  1. womp. don’t worry a lot of my days look like *scribble furiously in journal* *gazes contemplatively out the window/into space* *eating*

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