Delicious Grain-Free Brownies


Are amazing.

I love brownies. I have relied on this superb recipe from Instructables forever. However I also am trying to eat less white flour and fewer processed sugars.


We have a lot of dates at our house right now, and they are sweet and delicious and gooey… kind of good attributes in a brownie. So I decided to scour the Internet for some good date brownies. I.E. brownies made with dates, though I suppose you could make these for a date too. That’s a freebie, gentlemen.


I found three recipes that looked promising. Minimalist Baker involved no baking, and I wanted some gooey, melty, chocolate chips, so that wasn’t going to work. This Ultimate Chocolate Brownie looked good, but also used sugar (which I didn’t want to use) and eggs (which I happened to be out of).

So what I made came out the closest to this Mind Body Green recipe, but I even deviated from that one a little.

These brownies came out amazing. When they were just out of the oven they were definitely so gooey they just disintegrated, but once they cooled they held together well while still being very moist.


Grain-Free Date Brownies:


2 cups pitted dates

¾ cup of boiling water

200g butter cut in small cubes

1 tsp baking soda

1 cup ground almonds (almond flour)

2 tsp vanilla

1 cup cocoa

1 cup of chocolate chips (or really however many you want)

Combine dates, butter, water and baking soda. Let sit 20 minutes.

Put the date mixture in the food processor and blend until smooth. Add to almond flour. Stir in cocoa and vanilla until everything is all mixed in.

Stir in chocolate chips.

Bake in a 8×8 pan at 350 degrees for approximately 30 minutes.


Let cool and cut into squares. Or don’t, and just eat it with a spoon. I’m not going to tell you how to live your life.



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