I have now been out of the United States for 18 months (except for a small interlude last fall) and there are a number of things that used to be a perfectly normal part of my life and now seem incredibly strange to me. Or at least a little bit weird. I though I would… Continue reading 5 Things That Are Weird to Me After 18 Months Overseas
Category: Travel
Better Late Than Never | Sneak Preview | Eastern Europe
So last summer I got the chance to wander through some beautiful cities in Eastern Europe. I took a bunch of beautiful pictures, went and ate at some awesome restaurants, thought of things to write about it all on the blog… and then life happened! I’ve finally gotten some of it together to share with… Continue reading Better Late Than Never | Sneak Preview | Eastern Europe
Dubai | The Souks
The Souks of Dubai wind around the historic heart of the city. Much of Dubai feels like a giant, shiny Disney World for adults. The Souks seem to hold more depth. Though they themselves are not ancient, they remind you that there was a culture here before the giant shopping malls or overwhelming sky scrapers.… Continue reading Dubai | The Souks
Iznik | Part 4 (Where I Finally Talk About the Race)
The day had arrived. Thankfully in Turkey they believe in epic breakfast buffets, and I eagerly partook. Stuffing down boiled eggs, olives, tomatoes, cheese, cucumbers and bread like nobody’s business, I fueled like a champion. Or like a rookie runner getting ready for her first race. I packed up all my stuff and waited in… Continue reading Iznik | Part 4 (Where I Finally Talk About the Race)
Sneak Preview | Egypt
Land of the Pyramids! Was granted super-short sejour here (say that five times fast). Looking forward to explaining more about some of these shots and sharing a few more with you.
Sneak Preview | Dubai
Earlier this year I got to explore the sights of Dubai with some friends from college. It was awesome. Coming soon: more pictures, funny stories, food reviews and more. For now please enjoy these beautiful shots and start day-dreaming your next vacation here.
The Life You’ve Always Wanted
I’m sleeping in a bed tonight. This wouldn’t normally be a big deal, but it’s the first time it’s happened in a week. I have tested out five different couches in the past six nights. In the past two weeks I have driven 1,953.5 miles, mostly alone, and I have several more hours on the… Continue reading The Life You’ve Always Wanted
Packing (The Second Installment)
A more accurate title for this post might be “Packing (The 25th Installment).” I have packed my bags 24 times in the last five months. I don’t know if that number sounds big or small to you, but to me it has felt like a lot. Tomorrow I start packing for one of the last… Continue reading Packing (The Second Installment)
It’s Getting Real Here, Folks
It’s been a pretty long road. Twenty months ago I made the decision to head out to a new place for this brand new adventure. I’ve waded through paperwork, made phone calls, traveled by bus, plane and car, and finally… I’m almost to the starting line! I’ve been asked a lot in the last year… Continue reading It’s Getting Real Here, Folks
Today Is Not An Adventure
This is one of those feelings blogs where I went too long without journaling and now you all have to deal with them. Today I rode on a Greyhound bus. Last night I watched “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” and it was wonderful: the romantic life on the road, full of transcendent moments looking… Continue reading Today Is Not An Adventure